Do you find yourself in any of the following statements?
"I'm not good enough!"
Do you feel that no matter how hard you try, you will never be good enough to make him happy?
"I'm losing myself!"
Do you feel that you have lost your self-confidence, your joys and your hobbies in this relationship?
"It's all about him/her!"
Only his/her needs and wishes are important, even at the expense of your boundaries.
"I can't concentrate!"
Do you have trouble concentrating at work or school? Or chronic stress, demanding all your attention?
"I watch my every move!"
Do you feel like you have to watch every word, every step, because you never know when something will go wrong again?
"I'm ashamed to tell anyone!"
Do you feel like people would accuse you if they knew what was going on, but you're still there?"
"I feel insignificant!"
Are your needs often overlooked? Do you feel like your desires are being overlooked and boundaries are being overheard?
"I wake up at night and eat!"
Do you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep? Are you experiencing symptoms of anxiety, depression, or anxiety?
These are the typical words of victims
narcissistic abuse!
Foundations of the Recovery Program
My academic research paper
During my doctoral studies at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana, I am researching complex trauma, toxic stress and relative abuse.
My personal
As a victim of narcissistic abuse, I spent years searching for a path to liberation. My experience inspired me to help others.
Success stories of their clients
My program is alive and I update it with new experiences and approaches that have led my clients to successful recovery.
Empowerment through psychoeducation
The course of the Recovery Program
Features of the Recovery Program
Brezplačna uvodna ura
The first seassion is free and is designed to get to know each other and see if my recovery program is right for you.
Daily support
During the duration of the program, I provide daily support via e-mail or SMS messages, or in case of serious problems, a phone call.
1:1 sessions
Every week we have a 45-minute session either live (Ljubljana) or online. We also reinforce the weekly sessions with various homework assignments.
Expertise and competences
In the Recovery Program, I use proven effective methods and techniques that have proven to be the most effective in practice.
Mojca, your compassionate attitude and understanding are like a band-aid on my wounds. Thank you. You helped me find myself again and rediscover the things that once made me happy.
I couldn't explain to anyone what was killing me about my now ex-partner. After our first session, I had an epiphany. It's not me, she's the problem. After that, everything just went up.
I've never been particularly confident. I always felt some inner shame. Your program helped me see that the problem is not me. Only then was I able to take action and organize my life.
I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me.
Let your users get to know you.
Program Okrevanja
Hitro okrevanje in samozavest
Every month
Program traja 3 mesece oz. 14 seans (z možnostjo podaljšanja). Primeren za tiste, ki so doživeli krajšo, a intenzivno izkušnjo narcisistične zlorabe.
Valid for 3 months
Brezplačna prva seansa (7 dni poskusne dobe).
Okrevanje po kratkotrajni narcisistični zlorabi.
Povrnitev samozavesti in osebnostna rast.
NLP, KVT, somatske tehnike
Video in pisno gradivo.
Tedenske domače naloge.
Hitri prvi rezultati.
Program Okrevanja
Celovito okrevanje in rast
Every 2 months
Trajanje: šest mesecev oz. 24 seans (z možnostjo podaljšanja). Primeren za: tiste, ki so bili dlje časa ujeti v bližnjem odnos z narcisom in potrebujejo celotvito obravnavo.
Valid for 6 months
Brezplačna prva seansa (7 dni poskusne dobe)
Okrevanje po dolgotrajni narcisistični zlorabi.
Poglobljena samorefleksija.
NLP, KVT, somatska terapija.
Video in pisna gradiva.
Podpora pri morebitnih obiskih na CSD, sodiščih.
Postavljanje zdravih mej.
Krepitev samozavesti.
Tedenske "domače naloge."
Program Okrevanja
Individualne seanse
Every week
Individualno prilagodljivo trajanje in vsebina. Primeren za vse, ki se soočate s težkimi življenjskimi preizkušnjami, povezanimi z narcisističnimi odnosi in potrebujete vodenje in svetovanje.
Valid until canceled
Individualni cilji.
NLP, KVT, somatska terapija
Prilagodljivost glede na individualne potrebe.
Dodatno video in pisno gradivo.
Brezplačna prva seansa.
Na voljo so trije paketi programa okrevanja. Izberi si tistega, ki ti najbolj ustreza.
- Fri, Dec 13ZOOM WebinarDec 13, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:30 PMZOOM WebinarSte v situaciji, kjer je narcis (bivši) partner tudi starš vašega otroka? Spoznajte praktične korake za uspešno ukrepanje.
- Thu, Nov 21WebinarNov 21, 2024, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PMWebinarKako komunicirati z narcisom, s katerim ločeno vzgajata vajine otroke? Kako otroku pomagati in mu omogočiti zdrav razvoj? Kako se ohraniti stik z otrokom?
I am the founder of the Narcisa Institute, head of the Recovery Program , certified NLP and CVT Life Coach, trauma and narcissism researcher at the Medical Faculty in Ljubljana, and a victim at the same time. All my life I have been involved in narcissistic relationships in one way or another.
When I started my doctoral research, I decided to listen to my inner voice and focused my thesis on trauma. I started reading and writing articles, studying books and trying to acquire all the knowledge of this world.
I soon realized that I was not only learning about the wound of strangers, but also about my own childhood wound. I discovered what was happening, why it was happening and what the consequences were. I discovered my diagnosis, which until then no one had been able to give me: complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD).
I researched my past with the help of professionals, and after years of therapy, when the cards just fell into place, I just grabbed that article on narcissistic abuse and started reading.
Everything else is history.
I read everything that was available - scientific sources, books by renowned psychologists and psychiatrists, any books by people who experienced this kind of abuse, forums...everything I could find. I finally got an answer!
I did the training, got my certifications, and started doing what I love to do: talking to people and helping them get out of abuse.
My Recovery Program naturally contains various NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) and CVT (cognitive behavioral therapy) techniques and methods. These are important tools, but they are not the point of the program. The bottom line is that despite all this, I also understand.
Understanding feelings gives knowledge a special depth and insight. Therefore, I believe that my talent for psychology and life experience are given to me to help others.
Book a free appointment and together we will see if I can help you too.
The path is not easy. But it's worth it.
Mojca Njegač
Acmedica, Mojca Njegač sp .
Ljubljana road 5d
1241 Kamnik