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Recovery Programs for Complex Trauma

Relaxation techniques

The practice of relaxation and mindfulness techniques is one of the key components in recovering from relational trauma. In addition to relaxing our soul and mind, which helps alleviate the effects of stress, through various relaxation and mindfulness techniques, we also heal relational trauma. This makes them an indispensable part of the recovery process.

Targeted NLP Programs

Because health is a fundamental right of every individual, I have also created targeted group programs, offering step-by-step recovery at a more affordable price. In these various programs, we will address different challenges, such as emotional eating, boosting self-esteem, personal empowerment, and much more. Group work offers many advantages beyond cost-effectiveness, so it’s not a compromise on price, but rather a different, equally effective approach to healing.

Individual Sessions

Relational trauma is at the core of various mental health issues and difficulties in daily functioning. That’s why I offer fully customizable individual sessions that are not limited by content or time. Since trauma affects both our soul and body, it is essential to approach it holistically, which is the fundamental principle of my approach.

Personal growth programs

Personal growth programs consist of 1:1 sessions, group sessions, and additional materials, and are designed for anyone who wants to improve their quality of life and relationships, both with others and themselves. Each program is dedicated to a specific topic, such as setting healthy boundaries, boosting self-esteem, breaking harmful defense mechanisms, and more. The programs are time-limited and financially accessible, combining education with various psychotherapeutic and coaching methods to achieve the program's goals.


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Quick NLP Programs


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Prenehaj s čustvenim hranjenjem



Program za prenehanje čustvenega hranjenja z NLP vam pomaga prepoznati sprožilce in nezdrave vzorce ter jih zamenjati z zdravimi navadami, kar vodi k trajni čustveni svobodi.

Valid for 10 weeks

Hitri rezultati.

Reprogramiranje možganov za spreminjanje stresnih mehanizmov

Učenje samostojne uporabe tehnik.

Dostop do video in pisnih vsebin za samostojno delo.

Osem seans v živo.

Dve individualni seansi.

Pričetek programa 28.10.


NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is a well-established technique that allows for the transformation of our thought patterns, limiting beliefs, and destructive behaviors.

NLP is an incredibly effective tool when it comes to addressing the consequences of prolonged emotional distress and negative experiences, such as feelings of inferiority, shame, or the inability to set healthy boundaries. It is a technique that helps reframe limiting thoughts and emotions—often stemming from toxic relationships—while fostering personal growth and inner strength.

Through NLP, we focus on identifying and changing destructive mental patterns that influence our behavior and emotions in daily life. This involves gaining better control over our emotional reactions, developing a healthy relationship with ourselves and our environment, and improving how we handle the challenges posed by burdensome experiences. NLP helps establish new thinking patterns that lead to greater self-confidence, inner peace, and a sense of personal freedom.




NLP deluje na podlagi preprostega, a izjemno učinkovitega načela: naši možgani se lahko "reprogramirajo". Naše misli, čustva in vedenjski vzorci so rezultat izkušenj, prepričanj in ponavljajočih se odzivov. NLP nas uči, kako lahko te avtomatične miselne poti prepoznamo in jih nato hitro preoblikujemo.

Reprogramiranje možganov pomeni, da spremenimo omejujoče vzorce razmišljanja in vedenja, ki nas zadržujejo v negativnih stanjih. NLP uporablja različne tehnike, kot so vizualizacija, spreminjanje notranjega dialoga in sidranje pozitivnih čustvenih stanj, da hitro prekinemo stare vzorce in ustvarimo nove, bolj koristne načine delovanja.

Največja prednost NLP-ja je, da pogosto omogoča hitre rezultate. Ker deluje neposredno na nezavedni ravni, kjer so shranjeni naši najglobji vzorci, lahko že v nekaj srečanjih dosežemo opazne spremembe – od boljšega obvladovanja čustev do večje samozavesti in bolj pozitivnega odnosa do življenja.


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Deljenje izkušnje z drugimi sodelujočimi

Vodenje pri umirjanju misli

Sproščanje stresa

Vključevanje drugih sprostitvenih tehnik

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